1. Automatic Permutation Scanning
DNSTwister’s permutation engine checks hundreds of possible domain variations, looking for newly registered ones
that could be used for brand impersonation.
2. Identifying the Source with WHOIS Data
Once a suspicious domain is discovered, DNSTwister provides WHOIS lookup capabilities to reveal domain registrant information
(where publicly available). This data may include the registrant’s name, organization, and contact details—crucial
for assessing the threat level or pursuing enforcement actions.
While many domain registrations are private or redacted, any available WHOIS data can help you confirm if the
domain owner is truly unaffiliated or potentially malicious.
3. Escalating to 3rd-Party Takedown Services
In cases of severe brand impersonation or clear IP infringement, you may need more direct interventions.
DNSTwister’s monitoring and WHOIS details can help you decide if a takedown request is warranted.
3rd-party services specialize in:
- Filing UDRP (Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution) complaints
- Issuing DMCA takedown notices
- Collaborating with hosting providers to remove malicious content
These services typically require documentation of your trademark or brand rights, along with evidence that the
offending domain or content is infringing. DNSTwister’s data can serve as part of this evidence package.